Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Mazda 3 i-stop I Mazda 3 i-stop spec

The Mazda stand at the 2009 Geneva Motor Show is greener than ever before. One way Mazda achieved this is to develop unique idle-stop technology that shuts down the engine when stopped in traffic jams and similar situations as a way to reduce fuel consumption.

The Mazda 3 will be powered by the MZR 2.0L DISI engine with green idle-stop technology - Mazda's unique i-stop system. Developed solely by Mazda, it is the world's only idle-stop system that restarts the engine using the remaining energy in the pistons (with a quick help of the starter motor) by injecting fuel directly into the cylinder and igniting it to force the piston down. The benefit of combining a DISI engine with i-stop (originally called SISS: Smart Idle Stop System) is that the system restarts the engine about twice as fast, and quieter, than conventional idle-stop systems.

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